Essays & media
In addition to hands-on coaching and workshops, I also offer a variety of online educational resources to support children and families outside of each session. Below you'll find a variety of my essays, videos, and podcast episodes. You can also subscribe to my Substack by clicking below.

Dream Big
The world needs more dreamers. Are you a dreamer? I honor you. This is what Fred Rogers said, “It's our insides that make us who we are, that allow us to dream and wonder and feel for others. That's what's essential. That's what will always make the biggest difference in our world.”
It is “our insides” that remain constant in an ever changing outside world. We live in a world that places high value on the outside world, which is material and temporary. Nothing in the material world is permanent. It all disappears eventually. It is an illusion.
Continuing Tradition with Equine Therapy
Edo Potter built her life on Chap paquiddick around horses. She was a true equestrian, working with horses as a young girl on Pimpneymouse Farm, and continued to train young horses late into life. As a teenager, I worked as a farm hand for her, while living on the farm. For multiple summers, I mowed lawns, maintained the gardens, planted trees, fixed fences and helped take care of the animals. The work brought me joy. Edo and her husband, Bob Potter, were my teachers as well as the many stewards of the land, including Ralph Harding, Zing and Mary Tyler, Nelson Jones, Kevin Keady and Martin Hall.

Walk On
Horses are multilingual. They have a very sophisticated language that they use, which is mostly non-verbal. They also have adapted to humans by learning some basic human commands. They also can distinguish the difference between an angry person yelling and an autistic child yelling. Horses can be trained with the verbal commands to walk, trot, canter and whoa.
“Walk on” is the first command that I will teach a first-time rider. Language is sound. Sound is vibration. The command “walk on” is not so much about the words but the intent of the vibration. For example, if a rider looked down and said the command, compared to looking ahead, there would be a different result. The intent of the command is not about walking. It is really this: Let’s go over there, together.

Watch educational videos on a wide range of equestrian topics and the life of horses!
NEW! The Centaur Podcast
Welcome to the Centaur podcast. Host Camron Adibi and interviews humans about their spiritual journey with horses.
The Creative Misfits Podcast
The Creative Misfits Podcast spotlights interviews and stories with others who live creative lives and have taken the road less traveled.
Good questions lead to good answers
In my Substack Newsletter, I share insights and stories regarding experiential learning opportunities for children who are autistic while describing success stories through alternative therapies such as with equine therapy. Subscribe below to keep up with the latest success stories and updates!
Alternative therapies
I work with children, young adults and their respective collaborators. My goal is to identify, coordinate and implement services to overcome barriers to independence, personal fulfillment and participation in community life.
Essays & media
In addition to hands-on coaching and workshops, I also offer a variety of online educational resources to support children and families outside of each session. Click below to learn more about these unique resources.